Kids Dental Care Carlsbad

Tips For Kids Dental Care in Carlsbad

If you’re concerned about your child’s dental health, you may want to consider Carlsbad kids dental care. This field of dentistry specializes in the dental needs of children. This type of dental care is much different from that of an adult. Since the dentist will be dealing with a child’s unique needs, he or she can provide a better treatment plan for your child’s teeth.


You should start brushing your child’s teeth at a young age and limit sugary foods and drinks. Then, you can introduce fluoride supplements. Fluoride is naturally found in water, and 75% of public water systems add fluoride to their supplies. Your pediatrician or dentist can prescribe fluoride supplements for your child.


As your child grows older, it’s important to take them to the dentist for Carlsbad kids dental care more often. A trip to the dentist once or twice a year can prevent cavities in your child’s teeth. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends that children start seeing a dentist around their first birthday. Brushing their teeth twice a day with a soft toothbrush with fluoride is also an important part of kids dental care in Carlsbad. This will help your child avoid dental fear later on in life.


Your child may need braces if they are missing any teeth. Fortunately, child focused general dentists specialize in the oral health of children and are knowledgeable about when to refer patients to specialists. For example, if your child has an overbite, they may want to see an orthodontist. A dental specialist can help realign the jaw and correct crooked teeth.


Kids should also visit the dentist for regular checkups. Regular checkups can prevent major dental issues. Regular dental visits and proper oral hygiene can prevent cavities. Additionally, you can keep your child’s teeth clean by giving him or her a mouthguard. You can make your child feel comfortable with the kids dentist if he or she has a fear of the dentist.


As your child grows, your child’s teeth start to fall out. By age three, the primary teeth will have erupted. During this time, the central incisors will start to fall out, as well. It is important to start Carlsbad kids dental care while your child is still a baby and continue until their teenage years. Otherwise, they may suffer permanent dental issues.


Children are particularly vulnerable to cavities if they are premature or have frequent sugary meals. Children should limit sugary foods and drinks between meals and brush their teeth afterward. Also, try to avoid sugary gum.


Carlsbad Pediatric Dental Care is a child-focused dental clinic offering children’s dentistry and sports dentistry treatments. Our Carlsbad children’s dentist will work with your children so they can achieve and maintain a beautiful smile and healthier gums and teeth. Call (760) 434-7374 to schedule your consultation.


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Carlsbad Pediatric Dental Care
2753 Jefferson St Suite 206, Carlsbad, CA, 92008

Call Us: (760) 434-7374



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